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Worship & Prayer

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Faith and worship opportunities are foundational to the identity and mission of St. Mary Catholic Schools.

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) These words of Scripture have guided Christians for two thousand years, and they inspire the prayer life of the St. Mary Catholic Schools community. Prayer takes many forms, giving young people the opportunity to experience God’s presence in a variety of meaningful ways.

The Eucharistic liturgy is our central act of worship, connecting us with God, one another, our parishes, and community. We celebrate Mass weekly at all campuses and mark special seasons and occasions throughout the school year. Students learn to read and pray with the Bible, to sing, to pray for one another’s needs, to appreciate quiet contemplation, and much more. Prayer forms part of the rhythm of life at St. Mary Catholic Schools.

As students grow, they have additional opportunities to participate in prayer services and liturgical ministries. With support and encouragement from families and churches, they become faith leaders themselves, and signs of God’s love in the world.

Worship Opportunities
  • Morning Prayer and class prayer
  • Seasonal Prayer Services
  • Weekly Mass
  • All-school Masses
  • Liturgical Ministry - Reader, Server, Music, and more
  • Sacramental Reconciliation
  • Eucharistic Adoration
  • Lectio Divina (praying with Scripture)